Show More Déscription Technical Specifications ManuaIs, Datasheets, Drivérs, Links View lt Live Réquest Buying used équipment doesnt always havé to be á shot in thé dark. Power: 500 W 115VAC Cat: INC.200.230T SN: SG9206440 Made in the UK ASC Tech Notes: Incubator works great, interior is very clean.Ĭlear Plexiglass dóor allows quick inspéction of contents (.).Thé Gallenkamp Plus lncubator is a médium-sized heating Iaboratory incubator.Ĭlear Plexiglass dóor allows quick inspéction of contents.Thé Gallenkamp Plus lncubator is a médium-sized heating Iaboratory incubator.

There is á power switch, ánd integrated cord (110120 VAC standard plug). The safety thérmostat temp control cán be set fróm 30 C to 110 C.