I paid that much for Pixelmator, but asking that much for an SSH client seems borderline hilarious, particularly considering the history of the developer crapping upon previously paid customers. I am not against paying for software, but 10€ is pretty much at the top range of what I am willing to pay for touch UI limited feature (compared to Windows/Mac) applications. The "other way to do it on the App Store" is to keep the app name and replace it with the new version, so that customers who have already paid don't have to do so again. I use a Logitech Type S with my Air 2 and in the iSSH app, I can't actually use the ALT + ARROWKEY combination on my physical keyboard as the app ignores it (even though ALT + NUMBER to switch between Irssi windows does work just fine), so I have to use the ALT + ARROWKEY on the iSSH's own modified on-screen keyboard and that works. Would also be nice if the app was fully aware of physical keyboard possibilities. In a perfect world, this client would have either built-in or configurable touch gestures similar for Irssi Connectbot for Android, which automatically translates swiping left and right into Alt + ARROWKEY to switch between open Irssi windows and swiping up and down into PGDN/PGUP to scroll the terminal buffer. I have purchased iSSH several years ago and that's what I've been using up until now, but since that particular client seems to be abandonware and hasn't been updated for several years (and now has problems such as an app crash when you close an active ssh connection, among other thing), I am now looking for a new one.